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Dream | Your Thinking Creates Your Reality

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If you think something cannot occur in your life, then there’s no way you will take the action required to make that goal a reality.”

My Dreams.

I was born in a provincial area south of Luzon in the Philippines. We had enough until tragedy came. I’m the eldest daughter of the family so I had to do something to help. I remember working part-time as an academic tutor to foreign students after school from 6 pm which would last to 2 hours or 4 if needed. Why am I reminiscing this?

Reading at a cafe in Sagada, Philippines
© lyalberto | Sagada Cafe

There are times when I’m left alone to think. Those moments are valuable to me these days. Recently, I thought so much about where I was, where I could be, what should I be doing now and so many more “what if”. All the thinking made me realize that I have gone so far from that little woman trying to survive a day and to reach dreams influenced by many fiction and non-fiction books.

I once dreamed of a life not worrying about my safety, an independent way of living not based on what others perceived as right or wrong, a life not running away from all the traumas caused by the decisions made by grown-ups, of life not focused on material things. I dreamt of an abundant, content, and life free to express my feelings while not harming others in the process. Most of all, I dreamt of a life free to dream not because I was running away from something but because I think of it as fun to experience, gives me a sense of purpose, and beautiful if made happen.

Where I am now.

Now, I am glad that I can sleep on a bed not worrying about the roof over my head, access to water that I could get at the turn of a faucet, and access to electricity when needed. I’m happy that I learned to distinguish my needs and wants which is one of the keys to being content. I am grateful that I can freely express my feelings, a life not bound by what is perceived as perfectly right, and for the fact that I can now get access to unlimited reading materials that once became my bridge to many dreams now made possible.

This was once a dream, reading under cherry blossom tree in Taipei
© lyalberto07 | This was once a dream, reading under cherry blossom tree | Tamsui, Taipei

What’s next for me?

I’m now reaching half of the life expectancy of a person. Of all the lessons I learned, one thing is for sure that is bound to happen. Just thinking about something, being intentional, and making plans to reach it will surely bring you to it; and me to my dreams. I remember reading The Little Black Book of Stunning Success by Robin Sharma. He said in his book, “Your impossibility thinking becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Your perceived limitations become the chains that keep you from the greatness you were meant to be.”

I agree with him. “YOUR THINKING CREATES YOUR REALITY. If you think something cannot occur in your life, then there’s no way you will take the action required to make that goal a reality.” Do you have what it takes to dream and make it your reality?

Read more

Why you have to visit the Happy Island in Philippines, CATANDUANES
A Secret Vow | If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It
Cycling Changed My Way of Travelling | Dampalit Bike Trail
Robin Sharma | Official Website

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